The Villages

Dive into the heart of EQUIP AUTO Paris’ thematic villages. These theme-based forums for meetings within the exhibition are an opportunity to discover and discuss the latest innovations, products and services, sector by sector. Each village brings together experts to provide a targeted and enriching experience, fostering strategic connections and meaningful exchanges.
Get back to the 5 emblematic villages of the exhibition:
  • FFC Bodywork and Paint Village
  • Univers VO Village
  • Circular Economy Village: Reuse, remanufacturing, recycling
  • Startups Village

Discover the 4 new villages of EQUIP AUTO Paris 2025:
  • 🆕  Tyre & Innovation Village
  • 🆕  Tech Village
  • 🆕  Energy Village: energy and oil companies, battery technologies, charging infrastructure & retrofit
  • 🆕  Future Village: careers, training, employment and recruitment


Exploring the Villages


The new Villages

🆕 Energy Village

The Energy Village will present an exclusive display at EQUIP AUTO, aimed at automotive aftermarket workshops.

🆕 Talent Village

The Talent Village will bring together all the stakeholders and bodies dedicated in recruitment and skills, but also involved in business transmission.
🆕 Tyre & Innovation Village

In partnership with the Syndicat du Pneu, the village will gather all the actors of the tyre industry.

🆕 Tech Village

Space dedicated to innovation and technological transformation in the automotive industry, bringing together all the global players.


The emblematic Villages


Bodywork and Paint Village


The Bodywork and Paint Village returns on EQUIP AUTO Paris 2025.

The FFC organised the 5th edition of the Bodywork Village on EQUIP AUTO Paris 2022. 
During the 5 days of the show, the bodywork specialists welcomed you to present their new products. 

Univers VO Village


To celebrate its 10th anniversary, the UNIVERS VO village will cover 1,200 m² at EQUIP AUTO 2025.

Don't miss it the date :
  • Be part of the 1ᵉʳ B-to-B VO show with an international dimension
  • Meet the major players in the VO value chain
  • Interact with over 12,000 unique visitors
  • Give visibility to your brand, products and services
  • Generate new business opportunities...

In 2022, Univers VO brought together more than 50 exhibitors, from start-ups to multinationals, on over 800 m² of floor space, with a satisfaction rate of over 95% and 12,000 visitors!
The Reusable Parts Village: Remanufacturing, Repairability, Reuse

For its second edition, the Circular Economy Village is moving up a gear. 
The impact of the new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) on End-of-Live Vehicles (ELV) is leading to an increasingly structured and specialised market. 

The village now encompasses all the stakeholders in the Circular Economy ecosystem, ranging from authorised treatment facilities to shredders, and including dealers, collectors, marketplaces and circular economy parts and remanufacturing businesses. 
The impact of electric vehicles on the recycling sector will bring about a need for new skills and new players.
Village du réemploi d'EQUIP AUTO Paris
The Startups village

Innovation and start-ups are part of the DNA of EQUIP AUTO Paris. This is why the show has brought together start-ups, investors and vehicle maintenance and repair professionals operating in the after-sales sector or working on mobility-related projects.

This initiative enabled these start-ups to benefit from the aura and international impact of EQUIP AUTO with the traditional players in the sector, but also with industrialists and investors interested in new projects linked to mobility.

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