Talent Village

Echange entre professionnel et étudiants sur le salon EQUIP AUTO Paris
NEW FOR 2025: the evolution of skills and businesses is a critical challenge for the aftermarket sector. 

Rapid technological advancements, certifications and training for electric vehicle servicing, electronic maintenance, alternative fuels, connected vehicles, and automated driving present a unique opportunity to recruit new talent. These changes have made it essential to adapt training programs. 

The goal of the Talent Village is to bring together all stakeholders and organizations dedicated to recruitment, skills development, and business succession within the automotive sector.

Find the Talent Village in Pavilion 7.1.

The village actors
Picto formation initiale
Initial training

Area dedicated to learning institutions (technical colleges) and apprentice colleges (CFA).
Continuing education

area devoted to organisations dealing in career-long training: a sector that has become highly competitive following the vocational training reform in France in 2018.
Job dating

To promote the recruitment of new talent at EQUIP AUTO, a session of exchanges where supply can meet demand will take place during the exhibition.
Business succession planning

A transmission well-prepared in advance is essential to ensure the continuity of a business. Upstream planning entails the services of companies specialising in transmission, dedicated to the automotive sector.

Other activity sectors of the village exhibitors: Technical support for professionals, Professional organizations, Skills operators, Business succession planning.

Exhibit in the Talent Village

Don't miss out on the 50th anniversary of EQUIP AUTO Paris 2025, book your stand in the village now to get a head start on your participation.

Where to find the Talent Village ?