3 Questions to Norton

Why did you decide to exhibit at EQUIP AUTO Paris 2022 ?Norton has chosen to exhibit at EQUIP AUTO 2022 because this major European trade show is an essential communication vector for our brand, a subsidiary of Saint-Gobain.Our objectives during this week of exhibition are to share our ambitions and our passion with our distributor and user partners.Our team looks forward to meeting you on the Norton stand.
What opportunities does it offer your company ?EQUIP AUTO 2022 is a genuine opportunity that will give even more visibility to our Norton and Farécla brands.During these 5 days, we will present our high added value product ranges and our particularly innovative solutions.
What new developments will you be presenting at the show?We are looking forward to talking to all of our clients, whether they are distributors or body repairers. We will be presenting our Norton Cyclonic sanding solution, our Farécla range of polishing and buffing products. As well as our new ranges of sanding machines & vacuum systems, our headlamp renovation kits and many other surprises...